Astor Piazzolla

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March 11, 1921: 02:00 Astor Pantaleón Piazzolla is born in rented rooms at Calle Rivadavia 2527 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Republic of Argentina, the only child of Vicente “Nonino” Piazzolla, a barber, and Asunta Mainetti, a hairdresser.
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December 29, 1932: Astor Piazzolla (11) gives his first concert in New York, in Roerich Hall at Riverside Drive and 103rd Street. He is billed as the “boy wonder of the bandoneón.”
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August 23, 1935: El día que me quieras, a film directed by John Reinhardt and starring Carlos Gardel, is released in the United States. Playing a newsboy is Astor Piazzolla (14).
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September 21, 1940: At the house of Hugo Baralis in Buenos Aires, Astor Piazzolla (19) meets his future wife, the artist Dedé Wolff.
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October 29, 1942: Astor Piazzolla (21) marries Dedé Wolff, an artist and daughter of an accountant, at the Registro Civil no.6 in Avenida Belgrano, Buenos Aires. See 31 October 1942.
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October 31, 1942: The religious wedding of Astor Piazzolla (21) and Dedé Wolff takes place in the church of Nuestra Señora de Montserrat on Avenida Belgrano, Buenos Aires. See 29 October 1942.
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September 2, 1944: “Francisco Fiorentino with Orchestra conducted by Astor Piazzolla (22)” makes its debut at the Circulo Almagro in the Villa Urquiza district of Buenos Aires.
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July 1, 1946: During a period when he is taking lessons from Alberto Ginastera (30), Astor Piazzolla (25) forms his first tango orchestra.
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August 16, 1953: The Buenos Aires Symphony by Astor Piazzolla (32) is performed for the first time, at the Buenos Aires University Law School Auditorium. Supporters and detractors of the music trade loud opinions, some devolving into fisticuffs.
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September 24, 1954: Astor Piazzolla (33) and his wife arrive in Amsterdam aboard the SS Coracero from Argentina. In a few days they will depart for Paris.
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February 14, 1955: After four months of study, Nadia Boulanger (67) presents Astor Piazzolla (33) with an inscribed portrait of the two of them.
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March 24, 1955: Astor Piazzolla (34) and his wife board the SS Yapeyú in Hamburg making for Montevideo.
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April 17, 1955: Astor Piazzolla (34) and his wife arrive home in Buenos Aires from Europe.
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October 10, 1955: The Octeto Buenos Aires, led by Astor Piazzolla (34), publishes their manifesto called “Decalogue.” Piazzolla is recognized as the leader. They will “perform the tango as it is felt, eliminating all Kinds of extraneous influences which can impinge on our fixed purposes.” They will use instruments not usually heard in the tango and will not play at dances. (Azzi, Collier, 58-59)
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May 21, 1958: The wife and children of Astor Piazzolla (37) arrive to live with him in New York. Since his arrival in February he has been investigating his possibilities there.
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November 6, 1959: The Compañía Argentina Tangolandia, with musical director Astor Piazzolla (38), opens their show “Evening in Buenos Aires” at the Waldorf-Astoria Starlight Roof Garden in New York. The demand is so great, the fire department orders the doors to the hotel closed.
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May 14, 1965: Jorge Luis Borges visits the apartment of Astor Piazzolla (44) in Buenos Aires. Later this year, Piazzolla will record several songs based on the words of Borges.
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February 2, 1966: Astor Piazzolla (44) leaves his wife and grown children and moves out of their Buenos Aires apartment.
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October 17, 1967: Astor Piazzolla (46) is hospitalized in Buenos Aires for a hernia operation.
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October 31, 1967: On their silver wedding anniversary, Astor Piazzolla (46) is legally separated from his wife Dedé Wolff. Divorce is not allowed in Argentina.
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May 8, 1968: María de Buenos Aires, a tango operita by Astor Piazzolla (47) to words of Ferrer, is performed for the first time, in the Sala Planeta, Buenos Aires. The press is mixed.
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August 22, 1972: The Concierto de Nácar for tango nonet and orchestra by Astor Piazzolla (51) is performed for the first time, in Teatro Coliseo, Buenos Aires.
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October 25, 1973: Astor Piazzolla (52) suffers a heart attack in Buenos Aires and is hospitalized. He will survive.
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March 11, 1976: On his 55th birthday, Astor Piazzolla goes to the studios of Channel 11 in Buenos Aires to be interviewed by the singer and TV personality Laura Escalada. In two months they will be living together. See 11 April 1988
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May 24, 1976: Astor Piazzolla (55) and his octet play a very successful concert in Carnegie Hall, New York.
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April 4, 1979: Astor Piazzolla (57), along with several important Argentinian artists, is “invited” to have lunch with the dictator Lt. Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla at Government House in Buenos Aires. He does not refuse.
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December 14, 1979: The Bandoneón Concerto by Astor Piazzolla (58) is performed for the first time, in Auditorio de Belgrano, Buenos Aires.
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March 2, 1980: Punta del Este Suite for bandoneón and chamber orchestra by Astor Piazzolla (58) is performed for the first time, in Maldonado Cathedral, Uruguay.
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December 11, 1983: Astor Piazzolla (62) and his quintet perform at a gala concert in Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, celebrating the return to civilian rule in Argentina.
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March 15, 1985: The Concerto for bandoneón, guitar, and strings by Astor Piazzolla (64) is performed for the first time, in Liège.
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December 2, 1985: In the Centro Cultural General San Martín, Astor Piazzolla (64) receives the title Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires.
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July 4, 1986: In Ravenna, Gary Burton plays with the Astor Piazzolla (65) Quintet for the first time.
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September 6, 1987: Astor Piazzolla (66) gives a famous, very successful concert in Central Park, New York.
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November 6, 1987: Tango Apasionado, a theatrical presentation by Astor Piazzolla (66), is performed for the first time, in Westbeth Theatre, New York.
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February 19, 1988: Over 20 years after they legally separated, the marriage of Astor Piazzolla (66) to Dedé Wolff is ended by divorce. Divorce has recently become legal in Argentina.
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April 11, 1988: Astor Piazzolla (67) marries Laura Escalada, a singer and television personality, in Buenos Aires.
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August 10, 1988: Astor Piazzolla (67) undergoes a quadruple bypass heart operation in Buenos Aires. It is a success but recovery will be slow.
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April 24, 1989: Astor Piazzolla (68) debuts his new Sextet in Alice Tully Hall, New York.
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October 19, 1989: Dangerous Games, a theatrical presentation by Astor Piazzolla (68), is performed for the first time, in Nederlander Theatre, New York.
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November 25, 1989: Five Tango Sensations by Astor Piazzolla (68) is performed for the first time, in Alice Tully Hall, New York with the Kronos Quartet.
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August 5, 1990: Astor Piazzolla (69) suffers a stroke in his Paris home. He is taken to Hôpital Ambroise-Paré in Boulogne-Billancourt. His right side is paralyzed.
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August 11, 1990: President Carlos Menem authorizes Aerolíneas Argentinas to rearrange the seating on a 747 so that the paralyzed Astor Piazzolla (69) can return to Argentina from Paris.
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August 14, 1990: The plane carrying the paralyzed Astor Piazzolla (69) lands at Ezeiza airport.
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August 21, 1990: 16 days after suffering a stroke in Paris, Astor Piazzolla (69) comes out of a coma in Sanatorio Mater Dei, Buenos Aires.
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July 4, 1992: After almost two years of paralysis, Astor Piazzolla dies at the Santísima Trinidad hospital in Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina, aged 71 years, three months, and 24 days.
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July 6, 1992: The mortal remains of Astor Piazzolla are laid to rest in the Jardin de Paz in Pilar, north of Buenos Aires.