Alvin Lucier

Birth icon
May 14, 1931: Alvin Augustus Lucier is born in Nashua, New Hampshire, one of four children born to Alvin A. Lucier, a lawyer, and Kathryn E. Lemery. (In 1934, Alvin Lucier will be elected mayor of Nashua.)
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September 6, 1961: In the Kongresshalle Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, David Tudor, Kenji Kobayashi, Christoph Caskel, and Carla Henius perform a program of German premieres: Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs and 26’55.988” for pianist and string player by John Cage (49), Incidental Music by George Brecht, Canons for piano and percussion by David Behrman, Stanzas for violin and piano by Toshi Ichiyanagi (28), To Henry Flynt by LaMonte Young (25), and Envelope for violin and piano by Terry Riley (26). One audience member calls for an ambulance during Young’s piece. The crew arrives and leaves when they find Tudor on the floor, in the middle of hitting a gong 566 times. Also present is Alvin Lucier (30) who will remember Pierre Boulez (36) standing on a chair, staring down at Tudor during To Henry Flynt.
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October 11, 1963: From Here for 16 solo voices and 20 instrumentalists by Earle Brown (36) is performed for the first time, in Town Hall, New York, conducted by the composer. Alvin Lucier (32) directs the chorus. Also premiered are several works by Morton Feldman (37): Vertical Thoughts 1 for two pianos, performed by David Tudor and John Cage (37), Vertical Thoughts 2 for violin and piano, Vertical Thoughts 3 for soprano, flute/piccolo, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion, piano/celesta, violin, cello, and double bass to words of the Psalms, Vertical Thoughts 4 for piano, Vertical Thoughts 5 for soprano, tuba, percussion, celesta, and violin to words of the Psalms, and Straits of Magellan for flute, horn, trumpet, harp, electric guitar, piano, and double bass.
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September 3, 1964: Septet for seven players and conductor by Christian Wolff (30) is performed for the first time, in New York, directed by Alvin Lucier (33).
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May 5, 1965: Rozart Mix for magnetic tape by John Cage (52) is performed for the first time, at the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. The work is performed by the dedicatee, Alvin Lucier (33), and his students. Also premiered is Lucier’s Music for a Solo Performer. In this work, percussion instruments are activated by human brain waves.
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March 25, 1966: Christian Wolff in Cambridge, a vocalise for chorus by Morton Feldman (40), is performed for the first time, at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts directed by Alvin Lucier (34).
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February 21, 1975: Still and Moving Lines of Silence in Families of Hyperbolas for voices, instruments, dancers, and percussion by Alvin Lucier (43) is performed for the first time, in New York.
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July 5, 1982: Crossings for oscillator and small orchestra by Alvin Lucier (51) is performed for the first time, in Chicago.
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October 11, 1991: Navigations for string quartet by Alvin Lucier (60) is performed for the first time, in Frankfurt.
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March 21, 1992: Music for Piano with One or More Snare Drums by Alvin Lucier (60) is performed for the first time, in Galerie Sou-Sol, Geneva.
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February 28, 1993: Stacks for solo trombone by Alvin Lucier (61) is performed for the first time, in the Yale University Art Gallery.
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October 18, 1994: Music for Gamelan Instruments by Alvin Lucier (63) is performed for the first time, at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut.
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October 22, 1994: Six Geometries for chorus and electronics by Alvin Lucier (63), to words of Williams, is performed completely for the first time, at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut.
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March 18, 1999: Still Lives for piano and electronics by Alvin Lucier (67) is performed for the first time, in Merkin Hall, New York.
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August 23, 2005: Exploration of the House for orchestra and digital tape delay system by Alvin Lucier (74) is performed for the first time, in Ostrava, Czech Republic.
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January 28, 2011: Panorama2 for trombone and 13 strings by Alvin Lucier (79) is performed for the first time, in Zug, Switzerland.
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May 2, 2015: Hanover for three banjos by Alvin Lucier (83) is performed for the first time, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.