Francesco Geminiani

Birth icon
December 5, 1687: Francesco Geminiani is baptized in Lucca in the Commune of Lucca, the son of Giuliano Geminiani, a musician.
Performance icon
March 31, 1754: La forêt enchantée, a pantomime by Francesco Geminiani (66), is performed for the first time, in the Salle des Machines in the Tuileries Palace, Paris.
Event icon
October 28, 1755: A notice appears in the Gazette d’Amsterdam advertising the publication of Guide Harmonique by Francesco Geminiani (67). See 12 February 1756.
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February 12, 1756: A notice appears in the Amsterdamsche Courant claiming that the Dictionaire harmonique (Guide harmonique) of Francesco Geminiani (68) has been printed and is available to subscribers. See 28 October 1755.
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April 17, 1756: The Whitehall Evening Post, or London Intelligencer announces the publication “this day” of Francesco Geminiani’s (68) Guido Armonica in English.
Performance icon
March 3, 1760: Francesco Geminiani (72) performs in public for the last time, at the Great Musick Hall in Fishamble Street, Dublin.
Event icon
July 12, 1760: The Edinburgh publisher Robert Bremner invites subscriptions for his edition of The Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra by Francesco Geminiani (72).
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August 5, 1760: Francesco Geminiani (72) is in Edinburgh, perhaps for the publication there of his Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra.
Event icon
November 26, 1760: Robert Bremner completes publication of Francesco Geminiani’s (72) The Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra in Edinburgh.
Death icon
September 17, 1762: Francesco Xaverio Geminiani dies in Dublin, Kingdom of Ireland, “at his lodgings on College-Green”, 74 years, nine months, and twelve days after his baptism.
Event icon
September 19, 1762: The mortal remains of Francesco Xaverio Geminiani are laid to rest in Dublin, “in the Churchyard of St. Andrew, near College-Green, the Church of the Irish Parliament.”