July 23, 1735:
Johannes Herbst is born in the Free Imperial City of Kempten.
June 14, 1758:
Johannes Herbst (22) is received as an Acoluthe in the Moravian Church in Neusalz, Prussia (Nowa Sól, Poland).
September 24, 1759:
Seven Years War: Russian troops plunder the town of Neusalz, Prussia (Nowa Sól, Poland). The entire population, including Johannes Herbst (24), flee before them.
July 14, 1761:
Johannes Herbst (25) arrives in Bedford, England to take up his position as organist and teacher for the Moravian community.
January 15, 1765:
Bey Beerdigung der Schw. August Erdmuth v. Tschirsky in Gnadenfrey for female voices and strings by Johannes Herbst (29) is performed for the first time.
April 11, 1765:
Johannes Herbst (29) departs his position in Bedford, England to return to the Moravian community in Kleinwelka, Bautzen, Saxony.
June 24, 1767:
Der Herr liebet die Thore for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (31) to words from the Psalms is performed for the first time.
June 24, 1768:
Gib mir dein Herz for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (32) is performed for the first time.
June 30, 1768:
Johannes Herbst (32) marries Rosine Louise Clemens in Herrnhut, Saxony.
May 22, 1769:
Freue dich deiner Hütten--Gott sei Dank for chorus, harp, harpsichord and strings by Johannes Herbst (33) is performed for the first time.
September 7, 1769:
Alle deine Kinder for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (34) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1770:
Du hast dich meiner Seele for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (35) is performed for the first time.
September 7, 1770:
Ich will singen von der Gnade for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (35) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1771:
So ihr bleiben for soprano and strings by Johannes Herbst (36) is performed for the first time.
May 4, 1772:
Sie werden weder hungern for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (36) is performed for the first time.
April 10, 1773:
Gelobet sey der Herr, gross von Rath for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (37) is performed for the first time.
March 20, 1774:
Johannes Herbst (38) is ordained a deacon in the Moravian Church in Barby, Saxony, south of Magdeburg.
August 29, 1774:
Halt an dem Vorbilde for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (39) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1775:
Gott der Herr ist meine Stärke for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (40) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1776:
Lobsinget dem Herrn for chorus by Johannes Herbst (41) is performed for the first time.
August 31, 1776:
Wo euer Schatz ist for female voices and strings by Johannes Herbst (41) is performed for the first time.
September 7, 1776:
Ich bin der Herr for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (41) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1777:
Dis ist ein Tag for female voices and strings by Johannes Herbst (42) is performed for the first time.
May 4, 1779:
So spricht der Herr Zebaoth--Das ist unbeschreiblich for tenor, chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (43) is performed for the first time.
August 29, 1779:
Höret alle die ihr--Deine Missethat for soprano, chorus, and strings by Johannes Herbst (44) is performed for the first time.
September 7, 1780:
Der Herr segne euch for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (45) is performed for the first time.
November 13, 1780:
Wir haben ein Fest des Herrn for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (45) is performed for the first time.
March 25, 1781:
Nachdem die Kinder for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (45) is performed for the first time.
May 4, 1781:
Gesegnet bist du for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (45) is performed for the first time.
May 17, 1781:
So ruhe nun in Jesu for female voices and strings by Johannes Herbst (45) is performed for the first time.
August 5, 1781:
O selig bist du! for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (46) is performed for the first time.
September 7, 1781:
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied! for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (46) is performed for the first time.
August 31, 1782:
Ihr werdet mit Freuden for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (47) is performed for the first time.
March 25, 1783:
Also hat Gott die Welt for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (47) is performed for the first time.
August 31, 1783:
Der Herr hat Zion erwehlet for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (48) is performed for the first time.
March 25, 1784:
Der Herr dein Gott wird sich for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (48) is performed for the first time.
January 13, 1786:
Ehre sey unserm Heiland! for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (50) is performed for the first time.
July 23, 1786:
The British ship Patsey Rutledge departs Kuxhaven, Hamburg bound for Philadelphia. Aboard are Johannes Herbst and his wife on his 51st birthday.
September 18, 1786:
Johannes Herbst (51) and his wife arrive in Philadelphia from Germany aboard the British ship Patsey Rutledge.
October 15, 1786:
Johann Herbst (51) is ordained a presbyter in the Moravian Church by Bishop John de Watteville in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
August 13, 1787:
For the dedication of the new Moravian church in Lititz, Pennsylvania, Johannes Herbst (52) conducts his dedication anthem Lobet den Herrn alle Seine Heerschaaren A.333.
May 4, 1793:
Lasset uns lobsingen for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (57) is performed for the first time.
August 13, 1793:
Gehe hin mit Frieden for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (58) is performed for the first time.
December 24, 1793:
Singt ihr Erlösten for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (58) is performed for the first time.
May 4, 1800:
Ich freue mich for chorus and strings by Johannes Herbst (64) is performed for the first time.
May 18, 1806:
A new, large Moravian church is dedicated in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 6,000 people are on hand for the ceremony, including Johann Friedrich Peter who, presumably, contributes his abilities on the organ, on the eve of his 60th birthday. Gott hat unter uns aufgerichtet das Wort von der Versöhnung by Johannes Herbst (70) is performed.
May 14, 1811:
Johannes Herbst (75) is consecrated a bishop of the Moravian Church
January 15, 1812:
Johannes Herbst dies in Salem, North Carolina, USA aged 76 years, five months, and 23 days. His earthly remains will be laid to rest in the Moravian Cemetery of Salem (Winston-Salem).