Anthony Philip Heinrich

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March 11, 1781: Anton Philipp Heinrich is born in Schönböchel (Krasny Buk), Kingdom of Bohemia, the son of a merchant in textiles, wine, and finance.
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March 11, 1814: Anthony Philip Heinrich marries Wilhelmina Otto in St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia, USA on his 33rd birthday.
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November 12, 1817: Within a month of his arrival in Lexington, Kentucky, Anton Philipp Heinrich (36) directs a concert of music by notable composers including Mozart (†25), Haydn (†8), and Beethoven (46). Heinrich also performs solo music for violin.
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May 4, 1820: The Dawning of Music in Kentucky, or The Pleasures of Harmony in the Solitudes of Nature, Opera Prima, is copyrighted by its author Anton Philipp Heinrich (39).
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June 23, 1820: The Western Minstrel is copyrighted by its author, Anton Philipp Heinrich (39).
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February 10, 1821: Child of the Mountain, or The Deserted Mother, an opera by Anton Philipp Heinrich (39) to words of McMurtrie, is performed for the first time, in the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia.
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April 13, 1822: In The Euterpeiad or Musical Intelligencer, John Rowe Parker first calls Anthony Philipp Heinrich (41) the “Beethoven of America.” It is a name the composer will adopt.
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May 29, 1823: Anton Philipp Heinrich (42) gives his first concert after arriving in Boston.
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April 29, 1826: A farewell concert is given at Boylston Hall, Boston for Anton Philipp Heinrich (45).
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April 12, 1842: A meeting takes place to begin to organize the New York Philharmonic Society. It is chaired by Anthony Philip Heinrich (61).