Giuseppe Cambini

Birth icon
February 13, 1746: Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino Cambini is born, perhaps on this date, in Livorno, Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
Performance icon
August 2, 1776: Les romans, a ballet héroïque by Giuseppe Cambini (30) to words of Bonneval, is performed for the first time, at the Paris Opéra.
Performance icon
February 2, 1779: Samson, an oratorio by Giuseppe Cambini (32) to words of Voltaire, is performed for the first time, at a concert spirituel, Paris.
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April 24, 1779: Rose et Carloman, a comédie héroïque by Giuseppe Cambini (33) to words of Dubreuil, is performed for the first time, at the Hôtel de Montalembert, Paris.
Performance icon
April 1, 1780: Le sacrifice d’Abraham, an oratorio by Giuseppe Cambini (34), is performed for the first time, at a concert spirituel, Paris.
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August 2, 1784: La statue, a comédie by Giuseppe Cambini (38) to words of Montalembert, is performed for the first time, at the Hôtel de Montalembert, Paris.
Performance icon
January 24, 1786: La bergère de qualité, a comédie by Giuseppe Cambini (39) to words of Montalembert, is performed for the first time, at Hôtel de Montalembert, Paris.
Performance icon
March 1, 1788: Le tuteur avare, an opéra bouffon by Giuseppe Cambini (42) to words of Gabiot de Salins, is performed for the first time, at the Théâtre du Comte de Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
April 26, 1788: La croisée, a comédie by Giuseppe Cambini (42), is performed for the first time, in the Théâtre du Comte de Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
June 20, 1788: Colas et Colette, an opéra bouffon by Giuseppe Cambini (42), is performed for the first time, in Théâtre du Comte du Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
October 18, 1788: Giuseppe Cambini’s (42) opera bouffon Le bon pére to words of Le Pitre is performed for the first time, in the Théâtre du Comte de Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
March 26, 1789: La prêtresse du soleil, a drame by Giuseppe Cambini (43) to words of Gabiot de Salins, is performed for the first time, at the Théâtre du Comte de Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
July 12, 1790: La revanche, ou Les deux frères, a comédie by Giuseppe Cambini (44) to words of Dubuisson, is performed for the first time, at Théâtre du Comte de Beaujolais, Paris.
Performance icon
October 1, 1791: Nantilde et Dagobert, an opéra by Giuseppe Cambini (45) is performed for the first time, in Paris.
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July 1, 1793: Les trois Gascons, an opéra by Giuseppe Cambini (47) to his own words, is performed for the first time, in Théâtre Louvois, Paris.
Performance icon
February 22, 1798: Encore un tuteur dupé, a comédie by Giuseppe Cambini (52) to words of Roussel, is performed for the first time, in Théâtre Montansier, Paris.